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- MasterClass - April
- "ARexx isn't a programming language, it's more a way of
- life". People who say this kind of thing clearly spend way
- too much time in front of their Amiga and don't get out
- enough. I firmly believe that ARexx is a programming
- language, and deserves to be treated as such. Namely, it
- deserves to be used.
- What can you do with it? Write programs is the obvious
- answer, and by golly that's what we'll do. ARexx looks a
- little like the well-known programming language BASIC, but
- it is considerably more flexible. Not only does it include
- many powerful commands, but it can control other programs
- and be expanded to include support for, as an example,
- standard Windows and Menus.
- Last month we saw how to install ARexx, and run a simple
- program. This month we'll look at some more programming
- examples to get an idea as to the way in which ARexx works.
- First of all, let's examine the SAY command as it can be
- slightly more tricky than you might expect. The best way to
- discover its secrets is of course to enter the following
- program and execute it. To do this, create a text file which
- contains the listing, save it and then use "RX" followed by
- the filename. Do no simple type this into a Shell, as it
- won't work.
- Example listing 1
- /* Say examples */
- SAY Hello world
- SAY "Hello World"
- SAY 'Hello World'
- SAY "Hello" "World"
- SAY "Hello"||"World"
- SAY "'Hello World'"
- When you run the program with RX you'll see something like
- this:
- example1.iff
- The first thing to note is that the program, like all ARexx
- programs, starts with a comment. If you leave the comment
- out the program won't run. Now we come to six different ways
- of putting text on the screen. The first method uses no form
- or quotes -- only text. You can see that ARexx displays it
- as upper case.
- The subsequent examples use quote makes. You can use either
- single or double, as long as you are consistant: the first
- two quoted examples will produce indentical results. You can
- also see that splitting the words into two and adding quotes
- to each automatically adds a space. If you don't want a
- space, use the concatenate command ( || ) which joins the
- two text strings together without introducing any extra
- characters. Finally, if you want to include quotation marks,
- use a different sort -- imagine the outmost pair being
- removed.
- With output mastered, we can now learn how to make programs
- more interactive my getting input from the user. The
- simplest way to do this is with the PULL command, which
- waits at the Shell for something to be entered.
- Example listing 2
- /* Pull examples */
- SAY "Hello, what's your name?"
- PULL name
- SAY "Nice to meet you" name
- SAY "How old are you?"
- PULL age
- IF age > 28
- THEN SAY "Wow, that's old..."
- ELSE SAY "That's not very old."
- example2a.iff example2b.iff
- The first PULL takes in a text string and converts it into
- upper case (we don't ask for this to happen, it just does).
- The second PULL takes in a numeric value. This is no
- distinction between the text and number PULLs as far as we
- are concerned, it's up to ARexx to keep track of which is
- text and which is a number. The IF-THEN-ELSE statements do a
- little processing, and that is all there is to it.
- Variables
- We can't go much further without touching on the concept of
- variables. Variables are locations in the Amiga's memory
- which store specific values, and are referenced by a special
- name. For example, when we asked for your age using PULL,
- ARexx create a variable and stored a number in it. ARexx
- deals with variables in a very flexible way: when it comes
- across some text which doesn't mean anything to it, it
- assume it's a variable. If the variable hasn't been used
- before (that is, it hasn't been initialised) then it has as
- a value it's own name in upper case.
- This is why our very first example, SAY Hello world, did
- what it did. ARexx thought "Hello" and "World" were to
- variables and so printed them. As the default contents of a
- variable is it's own name in upper case, the program display
- Now here is an example of how you can make variables which
- store more than one value. Lets say we need to store the
- names of five different types of fish, for the start of an
- excellent Fish Database program. We could use five separate
- variables, and get the names like this:
- ..
- PULL first-fish
- PULL second-fish
- PULL third-fish
- PULL fourth-fish
- PULL five-fish
- ..
- and so on. However, this would make the program rather
- lengthy. It would also be very hard to expand the program at
- a later date to include more than five fish.
- A better way is to use a compound variable -- a variable
- which has a single base name, but stores different values
- depending on the associated name appended with a full-stop.
- Erm... here, look at this:
- Example listing 3
- /* Variable examples */
- SAY "Five fish please"
- DO i = 1 TO 5
- PULL fish.i
- SAY "Here is the list..."
- DO i=1 TO 5
- SAY fish.i
- IF fish.i = "HADDOCK" THEN SAY "Hah! I knew you would say Haddock"
- When it is run, you should enter five fishy types. The
- program automatically creates and assigns variables called
- "fish.1", "fish.2", "fish.3" and so on because the ".i" is
- actually the loop counter with itself counts from 1 to 50.
- Notice the second part of the program goes through the fish
- names itself, looking for a match. Imagine how hard this
- would be if there were fifty fish to process...
- example3.iff
- Don't think that you have to use numbers to reference the
- values which a compound variable can store. Here is an
- interesting little example listing. It creates a minature
- database of ages for four people, and then asks you to pick
- a name.
- Example listing 4
- /* More Variable examples */
- age. = "Unknown"
- age.john = 28
- age.brian = 15
- age.mary = 25
- age.anne = 34
- SAY "Enter a name, please:"
- PULL name
- IF age.name = 'Unknown'
- THEN SAY "Sorry, I don't know " name
- ELSE SAY "That person is" age.name "years old"
- Of particular interest is the fact that when no extra
- reference is given, there is an automatic default value
- present (which we call "Unknown") and this can be tested
- for.
- example4.iff
- Next time...
- Making use of ARexx with existing programs: creating your
- own user-defined Macros to do exactly what you want with
- minimal effort.
- Box out: On the CDROM
- ** Lisa there is another LHA file in with this collection,
- please give it to Mat to un-arc and place on the CDROM **
- You will find these listings included on the CDROM in the
- drawer called (**please ask Mat!**). You will also find some
- programs from previous ARexx Masterclass features: please
- read the text file before running them!